Patient Portal
Actionable Strategies in Community Oncology to Achieve Equity in
Triple-negative Breast Cancer

How important is the race of the physician to the quality of care you receive? Do you think the race of the physician is a factor in the care received by Black individuals with breast cancer? In what ways do you feel the race of the physician affects the care you receive?
Prior to receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer, did your primary care physician talk to you about breast cancer screening? If not, why do you think they did not?
After your diagnosis, did you feel that your oncologist involved you in treatment decisions or talked to you about participating in clinical trials? Do you think your oncologist valued your perspective?
Considering the discussions you have had with other survivors of breast cancer, what are the greatest personal challenges that Black individuals face in receiving prompt and high-quality health care, particularly as it relates to cancer? (Personal challenges might pertain to financial, logistical, mental/emotional/spiritual obstacles or other obstacles that are unique to the person, and not directly related to the disease.)
Considering the discussions you have had with other survivors of breast cancer, what are the greatest health system challenges that Black individuals face in receiving prompt and high-quality health care, particularly as it relates to cancer? (These challenges might pertain to the physician, the hospital, or the insurance carrier.)
Meet the Moderators

Sara Tolaney, MD, MPH
Chief, Division of Breast Oncology
Associate Director, Susan F. Smith Center for Women’s Cancers
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

Sonya Reid, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Hematology Oncology Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN

Rita Nanda, MD
Director of Breast Oncology
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL