Abstract Submissions Closed. 2025 Details Coming Soon.
We welcome direct applications from interested participants. Additionally, program directors who have already nominated a fellow are encouraged to nominate a second or third fellow for this valuable opportunity.
Abstracts should be uploaded as a Microsoft Word document with your last name in the document name. Abstracts should consist of a brief title (bolded), that is descriptive of the research. Include first and last names and degrees of the authors. Underline the presenting author’s name and list the name and location of the institution where research was completed. Do not identify authors or institutions in the body of the abstract. Sans serif font (such as Arial or Helvetica) is preferred. Do not use font sizes smaller than 10 point.
Abstract text must be 1,000 words or fewer. Please make sure all figures are high resolution (at least 300 dpi). No more than a total of 4 figures and/or tables per submission are permitted. Please limit figures to 1 graph or image each (ie, no multiple-part figures). Legends should be included with the abstract text and not as part of the figures (not included in the 1,000-word limit); figures should be embedded in the abstract file and not included as separate attachments.
Organize the body of the abstract in the following manner:
- Disclosure of relevant financial relationships (not included in word count)
- A sentence stating the purpose of the study
- A brief statement of methods
- A summary of results
- A statement of conclusions reached. It is not satisfactory to state, “The results will be discussed.”
- Career Statement: In a few sentences, please outline your career path, highlighting your short-term and long-term career goals. Please elaborate on how you anticipate this young investigators’ forum will help you achieve these goals, improve your own professional development, and address challenges in the field of EGFR research.
Abstract Receipt: Confirmation of abstract submission will be provided upon completion of the online submission process.
Abstract Acceptance: Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection will be provided to you via e-mail within a month.